FLIGHTS is 100% volunteer run. No committee member sees any financial gain from any event or fund raiser. Each event we host will indicate what the monies are intended for.
Please consider making a donation. Every penny donated goes towards transporting and finding homes for our beautiful retired Irish greyhounds and Middle Eastern salukis.
We can always use items such as collars, leashes, toys, paper for brochures, postage, envelopes and other office supplies.
Unfortunately in 2021 Dublin Airport upgraded their x-ray machine, which no longer can scan our plastic reusable crates or allow animals to be attached to a flight patron ticket, which helped keep the financials much more manageable. We now have to fly all our Irish Greyhounds by cargo and use wooden crates that are not returnable and must be disposed of after just one flight.
Contact us for instructions on how to make a financial donation or mailing instructions for items you wish to donate.